Website building / Updates / Maintenance

Do you need a new website or simply some updates to an existing site, or do you need maintenance work on your server to keep it up to date, safe and secure? If so I can help you.

With primary experience in languages such as PHP and Javascript (including on the server side with Node JS)­, plus a good knowledge of Linux servers I can very likely help you with your website needs. I also have a reasonable understanding of many other languages and operating systems.

My approach with you would be to start with your end goals in mind, working back towards to the architecture of the site(s) that would best achieve those goals. We would consider the user experience i.e. how your customers would search for and then navigate around your website. This allows us to ensure we get the best possible fit with your customer’s needs, such that your website uses the language they’re familiar with and is laid out to fit their priorities.

Whilst this extra time and effort might cost a little more than the fixed price websites on offer on the internet, it will provide you with a bespoke marketing / workflow tool that will be a significant asset to your business. Most of the fixed price websites will be built down to a cost by way of reusing the same old patterns time and time again a bit like a cookie cutter. This cookie cutter approach will lead to you having a generic website albeit with a different look and feel as your brand is applied. The fixed price option is a false economy.

In common with other reputable website designers, I will use the most recent best practices such as:

  • Responsive design: Meaning the site’s design adjusts itself to different screen sizes, for example rotating a tablet from portrait to landscape or vice versa. The site adjusts to make best use of the available space.

  • HTML 5, CSS 3: These allow websites to offer a lot of subtle effects like animations, drop shadows, rounded corners etc… All of these effects happen within the browsers. In the past these would have been achieved by using extra items like flash animations and images. Not having to download these extra items leads to faster loading sites and better cross-browser compatibility.

  • SSL / HTTPS: Privacy online is getting more important. In the past if was an absolute must for financial websites to encrypt their connections, but now it’s getting more common for other sites too. HTTPS gets you that little padlock in the browser. Data sent over the internet can be read as it travels through the various nodes in the network. If you encrypt the connection from end to end, then customers can provide you with their information, be it their telephone number or address details without fear of it being intercepted. Also it might be beneficial to how highly you rank in search results. Google's algorithm takes account of whether your site is using HTTPS or not.

If you’d like to discuss how I can assist you with any website related matters please get in touch using the contact form.